Special Needs Community

Special Needs Community

Chip Dee had been a professional musician and certified music educator for over 30 years.  In addition to performing throughout the country and abroad, Chip has also been very active in music education for special populations.  Chip has set up music programs for...
10 Famous Musicians with Disabilites

10 Famous Musicians with Disabilites

10 Famous Musicians with Disabilities by JayK, Listverse, February 14, 2010 The following artists did just that, soldiering on when most would forgive them for choosing a quiet life out of the public eye. I can’t guarantee you will like all the artists on this list,...
The Power of Music

The Power of Music

This is the welcome address to the freshman class at Boston Conservatory given by Karl Paulnack, pianist and director of music division at Boston Conservatory.  Enjoy, worth reading.  Chip Dee   One of my parents’ deepest fears, I suspect, is that society would...